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ETIC systems

KEIM Reno system

Added value through

  • energetic improvement of the insulation performance of the facade
  • high application safety of a proven renovation system
  • sustainable further use of already existing insulation materials
  • avoidance of landfill and disposal costs for the existing old system
  • the proven quality and mineral matt appearance of KEIM's mineral paints


  • stable, first old ETICS with insulation boards made of EPS, mineral wool, mineral wool slats
  • HWL boards concreted in one layer
  • the substrate must be evaluated by an expert

Approval and determination

  • KEIM approval Z-33.49-1505 in conjunction with KEIM approval Z-33.43-185
  • the fire classification is based on the old system and the versions of the approval Z-33.49- 1505
  • any doubling according to Z-33.49-1505 must be reported to KEIM

Special notes:

The thermal insulation of days gone by no longer meets today's requirements. In the case of upcoming renovations, it may also be worthwhile to further upgrade the energy efficiency of the facade. All MW and EPS systems are available for retrofitting with restrictions. All Reno systems can also be used only for sustainable rendering reworking with all the proven advantages of coordinated rendering systems.

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