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KEIM Reinforcement and mesh

Reinforcing mesh distributes stresses which occur in the render to avoid reaching critical levels, and makes a fundamental contribution to the permanent existence of the render system. Grid mats are usually embedded in the middle of a layer of reinforced mortar which is up to 4 mm thick; layers thicker than 4 mm house grid mats in their upper third. The reinforced mortar is applied to the insulation surface with a toothed trowel, the mesh is then embedded with an overlap of 10 cm and a thin layer of reinforced mortar is applied on top.

In order to form straight corners and edges, a mesh corner angle is used.

NOTE:  For country-specific product information and data sheets please go to the respective official national language! The safety data sheets below are in accordance with German law!

Products overview

KEIM Glassfibre-Reinforcing-Mesh 4x4

Glassfiber Reinforceing Mesh 4x4mm (Turado)

Supplied in 55 sq. m rolls, this Glassfibre Reinforcing Mesh is ideal for use to reinforce KEIM Turado.

Colour shade
approx. 1,1 m²/m²
Packaging Accessory
Product nameType of containerLength [m]m² per bundlem² per palletBundle per pallet
Treillis d'Armature 4x4roll50551,81533
Mesh width
4 x 4 mm

KEIM Glassfibre-Reinforcing-Mesh 6x6

Glassfiber Reinforceing Mesh 6x6 mm

Supplied in 55 sq. m rolls, this Glassfibre Reinforcing Mesh is ideal for use to reinforce the KEIM render systems such as Universal Render, Universal Render Fine and NHL Kalkputz.

Colour shade
approx. 1,1 m²/m²
Packaging Accessory
Product nameType of containerLength [m]m² per bundlem² per palletBundle per pallet
Glasfaser-Gittermatte 6x6roll50551,81533
Mesh width
6 x 6 mm

KEIM Gewebe-Rolleneckwinkel

Fabric corner angle, roll material, not pre-bent, variable angle, with predefined leg lengths for forming internal corners that do not have a building component joint.

Required for internal corners in EPS systems to achieve flame resistance up to at least the top of the 3rd floor ceiling.

Colour shade
approx. 1,1 m/m
Packaging Accessory
Product nameType of containerPieces per unitMesh sizem per roll
Gewebe-Rolleneckwinkelroll14 x 4 mm50
Packaging additional info
Delivery in cartons
Mesh width
4 x 4 mm
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