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Austria | EN
Interior insulation

Insulating panels

NOTE:  For country-specific product information and data sheets please go to the respective official national language! The safety data sheets below are in accordance with German law!

KEIM Mycal-Lava

Capillary-active, permeable, fibre-free, mineral, solid insulation panel made of calcium silicate hydrates, biologically harmless and fully recyclable. Incombustible A1 as per DIN EN 13501-1, officially approved.

Colour shade
natural white
Panel thickness [mm]Rated value thermal conductivity [W/mK]m² per bundlem² per palletCompressive strength [kPa]
250,055*3.1256.16≥ 300
300,050*2.6046.80≥ 200
500,045*1.5628.08≥ 200
600,045*1.3023.40≥ 200
800,045*1.0418.72≥ 200
Packaging additional info
* Nominal value of thermal conductivity λD (23/50)
KEIM Mycal Clima-CS

Mineral, lightweight calcium silicate board, non-combustible A1 according to DIN 4102, to prevent condensation and mould formation and thus ensures a healthy and comfortable indoor climate. The board can also be used to improve thermal insulation indoors. Panel size: 100 x 62.5 cm. Board thickness: 25 mm

Colour shade
light grey
Panel thickness [mm]Rated value thermal conductivity [W/mK]m² per bundlem² per palletBundle per palletPieces per unit
Packaging additional info
Covenant-wise. Other panel thicknesses, formats and packaging units on request.
KEIM Mycal Clima-LP

Room-side pre-primed soffit panel made of calcium silicate, approved by the building authorities according to ETA-15/0340. for the area of window and door reveals.

Colour shade
light grey
Panel size [mm]Panel thickness [mm]Rated value thermal conductivity [W/mK]m² per bundlePieces per unit
250 x 500150,0622.520
KEIM Mycal Clima-DK

Room-side pre-primed insulation wedge made of calcium silicate, approved by the building authorities according to ETA-15/0340. for reducing thermal bridges in the ceiling and wall connection area and for visually levelling butt edges.

Colour shade
light grey
Panel size [mm]Panel thickness [mm]Rated value thermal conductivity [W/mK]m² per bundlePieces per unit
1250 x 50030/80,0622.54
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