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St Edward’s Catholic Church, Oldham


  • KEIM Design Lasur
  • KEIM Design Fixativ

Muralist: Aidan Hart www.aidanharticons.com

Location: St Edward’s Catholic Church, Lees, Oldham, Lancashire, OL4 5AJ

Project photographs: Aidan Hart

Completed: 2022

About this project

St Edward’s was originally built in 1872 as a Chapel of Ease in Oldham. Today, it stands as a Catholic church with beautiful murals on the interior. Aidan Hart, a muralist in Shropshire, has lovingly applied KEIM Design Lasur to create these icons. Aidan has used our products with great satisfaction over the past few years and completed projects such as Greek Orthodox Church of the Holy Fathers in Shrewsbury, with another upcoming project in Wolverhampton.

Products used on this project

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