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Fort van den Bosch

Benteng Pendem, also known as Fort van den Bosch, is a fortress in Pelem, Ngawi, Indonesia. In the 19th century, Ngawi was an important trading and shipping centre in East Java. The fort was completed by the Dutch in 1845. During World War II, it was used as a prison by the Japanese. It was then abandoned and gradually deteriorated into a ruin surrounded by nature. In February 2019, it was announced that it would be rebuilt, and in the years that followed, the fort was reconstructed through extensive restoration work. Today, it shines again in new splendour and is sure to attract many tourists.

CapitaLand Development (CLD), CapitaLand Integrated Commercial Trust und Mitsubishi Estate Co.
Pelem, Indonesia
  • Soldalit
  • Innotop
  • Porosan-Trass-Sanierputz-NP

Restoration video of Fort van den Bosch

Image Gallery - Fort van den Bosch

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